2025_1_20 environmental allergies triggered (MCAS)
MCAS, or mast cell activation syndrome, is a common post-viral illness which can give severe, dangerous allergic reactions even to people who had no allergies previously, like me.
A few days ago I tried to clean out my old apartment, which we’d removed the air purifiers from, and immediately broke out in rashes and hives. I was mentally struggling and afraid. When I remembered I had a KN95 mask in the car, it helped a lot, but MCAS is a deeply terrifying and hard to understand condition.
There are resources in my about page about MCAS, but here are a few:
Broadwaybabyto’s “Welcome Guide” to MCAS:
– When You’re Allergic to Everything and Nothing… That’s MCAS (MCAS pt 1)
– MCAS and Histamine – Diet isn’t the ONLY Answer(MCAS pt 2)
And two other blogs dedicated to Mast Cell condition information:
– Mast Attack (Blog, on Mast Cell Conditions)
– Jodie Ettenberg’s Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Resources (Blog, on Mast Cell Conditions)