
this is what long covid feels like [CW: body horror illustration, occasional art nudity]

2025_1_20 environmental allergies triggered (MCAS)

the figure is surrounded by tons and tons of purple-pink smoke fumes. their legs are protected by skin-tight compression leggings, but their face chest and feet have broken out in teal hatched rashes and neon green hives. many of the gumes concentrate around the nose, but inhaled and causing the suffering.

2025_1_20 environmental allergies triggered (MCAS)

MCAS, or mast cell activation syndrome, is a common post-viral illness which can give severe, dangerous allergic reactions even to people who had no allergies previously, like me.

A few days ago I tried to clean out my old apartment, which we’d removed the air purifiers from, and immediately broke out in rashes and hives. I was mentally struggling and afraid. When I remembered I had a KN95 mask in the car, it helped a lot, but MCAS is a deeply terrifying and hard to understand condition.

There are resources in my about page about MCAS, but here are a few:

Broadwaybabyto’s “Welcome Guide” to MCAS:

When You’re Allergic to Everything and Nothing… That’s MCAS (MCAS pt 1)

MCAS and Histamine – Diet isn’t the ONLY Answer(MCAS pt 2)

And two other blogs dedicated to Mast Cell condition information:

Mast Attack (Blog, on Mast Cell Conditions)

Jodie Ettenberg’s Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Resources (Blog, on Mast Cell Conditions)

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